
Jo - County Dublin

Social Anxiety & Agoraphobia
"I Can honestly say that I felt more benefit after two sessions with Mark than nearly a year working with a counsellor for anxiety and some agoraphobia. I am indebted to him for helping me to focus more on enjoying life and new experiences."

Alan - Dublin

Anxiety, Work Related Stress & Relationship Issues
"I was always very sceptical when it came to hypnosis, I always felt it was a 'fix'. However when I was having problems at work regarding my probation period and also my young son being in the UK and the stress and anxiety it was all causing, a friend told me about Mark and how he had helped her and how positive she now felt in her life. Mark put me at ease right from the get-go, he listened to my life story. He explained the process and what would happen and made sure I was comfortable with everything. I had two sessions with Mark, a 'clear out' session and a 're file' session. Even after the first session I felt more confident and at ease with my problems. This was emphasized more so after the second session. I have now passed my probation period and in a fantastic place with my son. I have no doubt that the sessions with Mark were a massive help in getting me to this point and would highly recommend him.

Klaudia - Wiltshire UK

Smoking Cessation (Via Skype)
"I can’t thank you enough for helping me stop smoking! I have been smoking for 25 years and had many failed attempts to give up over the years. I have now been smoke free for 5 months and I can’t imagine ever smoking a cigarette again. I’m more relaxed, self confident, healthier and especially happier since I stopped smoking. You have changed my life, by freeing me from this horrible addiction and I am very grateful for support!"

Karl - Dublin

Addictions - General Wellbeing
"First & foremost a huge thank you to Mark . I must admit I was very sceptical when I first met him and after just one session I couldn't believe that it was so easy to stop smoking weed after 20 years and numerous attempts in the past. I have now been 4 weeks without smoking weed and I haven't had any cravings , even friends and family are amazed. I have now stopped smoking roll ups too which I've been smoking for 34 years and thought I'd never be able to give up . Mark is a genuine guy and a complete gentleman that makes you feel really comfortable in a time when I wasn't so sure of myself. I highly recommend anyone who's thinking of it to go & get in touch. You won't regret it. Mark, thanks again for everything. Karl in Dublin"

Lisa - Stepaside, Dublin

Anxiety, Stress & Self Worth
"Well I have to say I'm a bit blown away by how I've been since our session, its just remarkable the difference I feel. I can't even put my finger on it but I'm a different woman. I won't say my stress has disappeared but it's certainly gone from 80 to a 10, the kids have noticed it. I feel very focused without any effort and without the other stuff that goes on in my head when I try to get focused. I love that relaxation thing you sent me by email and I'm listening to it every night. I have really struggled in the past to commit to even something that simple. I'm smiling more, and as you said I notice more and more as the days go by it's really getting better. I felt so happy all that day from the time I left your office. I want to thank you for your help."

Sarah - Leopardstown, Dublin.

Smoking Cessation
"I’m over the moon to say that I have not smoked since! I have tried and failed before, but the obsession to smoke only left me after your session. I do not think about smoking anymore and I really believe I have succeeded in quitting once and for all. I can’t thank you enough for helping me and changing my life forever! I think if I can stop with your help then anyone can!"

Michael - Ballsbridge, Dublin

Phobia for over 40 years
"I feel very happy, bringing the younger me together with the older me is really powerful and healing. I would actually say I feel a dramatic change. I would seriously love more sessions in the future. I also intend to recommend you to other people who I know would get a lot from this. Well done, you are excellent!"

Elisabeth - Brussels, Belgium

Smoking Cessation
"It was by chance that I met Mark and learned about his passion to help people through hypnosis. I had been a smoker for many (many) years and on and off tried to give it up. When I told Mark this, he did not put any pressure on me, but simply explained how his treatment may be beneficial for me. That helped me to open my mind to hypnosis and to understand how it works. I'll be honest, I was a bit afraid at first, but Mark was very professional, clear, and built in enough opportunities for me to stop if I felt I needed to. He went about the session in a very kind and patient manner and really put me at ease. It has now been several months since the hypnosis and I have not smoked since. I am very grateful and highly recommend seeking Mark's help!" Warmest regards, Lis

Caroline - Dublin

Anxiety and Lack of Personal Trust
" I can't believe that something that happened 54 years ago has affected me for so long. I feel relieved. The experience was transformational."